
Bandhas - Locks

To help bring order to our energy- the flow of the energy in our bodies, we use locks during our yoga practice. They can help us direct our energy or stop the energy from moving too high up. In this video, I explain the basics of the bandhas(locks), and which ones you use most in vinyasa flow classes.

To understand about the basics of Bandhas, just watch the video above.

To sum up: There are four main bandhas in the body: 

  • Mula Bandha – the root lock

  • Jalandhara Bandha – the throat lock

  • Uddiyana Bandha – lifting of the diaphragm lock

  • Maha Bandha – all three locks at the same time

  • Hasta Bandha - Hand lock

  • Pada Banda - Foot lock

    To do the ultimate of the bandhas? First engage Mula bandha, then fully exhale and activate Jalandhara. Next, bend forward and ‘suck up’ to hold Uddiyana. This is Maha bandha. To release, do so in the reverse order you engaged (Uddiyana first, Jalandhara second and finally, Mula bandha). 

Use your Bandhas, elevate your practice . If you have any questions message me.

Jai, Melinda


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