Episode 05: The new era of teaching: things will never be the same OR easy
In this episode, we share what our experiences were like as we came back to teaching in-person classes after the lockdowns ended. The landscape had changed dramatically, and what had built up before would likely never return. We had to learn a new skill set of how to teach hybrid in-person/online classes, while simultaneously having our pay per class lowered. Sadly the studios were struggling financially and many had to close their doors because people didn't return like we were hoping. We also saw that there was a huge influx of new yoga teachers (people who wanted a career change during the pandemic) now on the scene, and an out-flux of experienced yoga teachers leaving the city/changing careers/going back to school because of the new obstacles we were facing…lower pay, higher bills, more demands, fewer studio classes available and a million yoga teachers competing for them.
We were grateful to come back to teaching in person and be able to interact with people again, but our yoga teaching careers as we knew them were now changed forever.
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