Episode 04: How we put our yoga practice to the ultimate test: entering the Pandemic
We all experience moments in our lives when we are starkly confronted with the reality that change is needed. We kinda had an idea that change was needed beforehand BUT, the Covid pandemic sharply put things into perspective - and we probably weren’t alone in that. Whether you felt that you were in perfect balance before 2020 or completely burnt out, lockdowns were a profound experience for everyone, and for many, it was a realisation that you were doing too much.
As a self-employed yoga teacher, the pandemic was unbelievably scary - all at once we experienced losing our income and realised we were fully reliant on studios for our employment despite being ‘self-employed’. The pandemic showed us our value and that we can take care of ourselves, because we ultimately had no other choice. It wasn’t easy, but we are grateful for what we learnt. Listen to our episode about our experience during Covid and how we had to swim with the changing current of our new lives going forward.
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