
I grew up in a little village in Hungary called Sajószöged before setting out to travel the world as a model. As you can imagine, the ability to adapt to different environments and deal with the pressures of the fashion industry was a must. It was challenging, but through it all I was able to grow as a person.

It wasn’t until I discovered yoga in 2011, however, that I really became the person I am. My friend Oleg Borisuk saw in me the need to find a way of keeping focused and of sound mind while juggling the obstacles of my career. I went to my first yoga class with the intention to just lose some weight and to improve my flexibility, but after a few sessions I realized that there was so much more to it. I left the classes feeling light, refreshed, and focused on my goals, my anxieties nowhere in sight. I was excited, and the excitement I had kept me going for days. These were my first experiences of the “yoga high.”

Once I had identified the benefits of yoga I started to schedule days around it, searching out new styles and novel challenges. I finally felt like I could find my purpose. It was during this time that I decided that I wanted to move to the front of the class . I wanted to share what I had learned and benefited from so greatly — drawing especially from the Yogis Marcus Veda and Aram Raffy, whose challenging classes kept me returning for my daily dose of yoga.
I wanted to understand the science behind yoga but most of all, I wanted to understand my own practice.

Finally it occurred to me to train myself to be a yoga teacher.
I sought out The Yoga People who taught many of my favorite teachers, applied for my first training, and have never looked back.

Now I can confidently say, “I chose well!” Dulce Aguilar and Jamie Clarke are wonderful gurus, teachers whom I look up to. They taught me everything I had hoped they would, and so much more than I could never have expected! I finished my 200hr Ashtanga and Rocket Teacher Training course with them at the end of 2015 before moving onto their Yin and chakras 100hr course with psychotherapists Lois and Allan Pimentel and acupuncturist Kate Henley. In march of 2017 I traveled to India to complete my 100hr of Mandala and shamanism teacher training. Later on I have completed 50hr Yin anatomy applied to vinyasa and another 50hr of Advanced Rocket and patterns.

As much as I love teaching adult classes, in 2020 I turned towards children yoga. I completed 60hrs with Class yoga.
All were life changing. But there is still so much more to learn, so much more to see!

The journey continues…

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