Intro to Chakras

Have you missed my little snippets of yogic knowledge?! I hope you did as I am starting another series about the chakras. So buckle in, as it will be a wild ride:))  The chakras are the main energy centers of the body. The Sanskrit word Chakra directly translates as wheel, so you can imagine it as spinning disks of energy that should stay “open” and aligned, as they correspond to bundles of nerves, major organs, and areas of our energetic body that affect our emotional and physical well-being.

Do you remember way back I talked about PRANA.

Prana is the energy, the life-force that flows through us and chakras are the energy centres where Ida and Pingala(the feminine and the masculine) connect and meet.  Our spiritual and meditation work can open a whole new world of our Subconscious. To be able to understand yourself more you might need to understand the world of chakras. It is almost like learning another language, but when you understand the basics of it you will have the tools to start your healing journey.

Our body is our instrument of perception; we know the world according to our bodies. Just think about it: You find it quite simply to be aware of your physical body: "I am hungry, I am aching, etc. However the other bodies/ levels/layers are not always so easy to see. I am sure you heard me question: How do you feel in your Physical body? Mental body? Emotional body? Could you always answer all 3 questions? Did you ignore it all? What did you do?  Oh yes, now we are talking:)

Throughout the next 7 weeks I will teach you the basics of Chakra "language" so you can notice your patterns, blueprints and to hopefully gasp how to solve those problems.

The work is yours the knowledge will be here.

If you have any questions please ask away.

Jai, Melinda

Yoga is more than movement, it is important to get on our mat and learn to harness the power of our subtle body, but there is so much more to it.
Join me to learn more.
I teach Private one to one and group class across London. Enquire to learn more.


Muladhara - Root Chakra
