Do you practice yoga to gain mastery over your body?
Or to loose weight/ get stronger/ get calmer/ to battle anxiety ?
We might step on our mat for one reason, but overtime you find benefits that will keep you going and you might get more interested about what yoga has to offer.
The longer I teach and more I trust myself of my knowledge I thought it is time for me to share more about the teachings of yoga. I remember being 22 and shying away from philosophical discussions because of fear of being judged, or not being wise enough.
Through Yoga you learn to trust yourself and what you stand for and I am ready to start sharing more about what I've learnt from my great teachers. Even if it is first in writing.
We all ought to start somewhere.
Let's embark on the journey together through the Eight Limbs of Ashtanga yoga. Every week I will bring you one so we can learn more about Yoga. -as the practice of Asana is only one limb out of the 8.
1. Yama
2. Niyama
3. Asana
4. Pranayama
5. Pratyahara
6. Dharana
7. Dhyana
8. Samadhi
Jai, Melinda