Episode 04: How yoga impacts your personal life
Episode with Ashley Ahrens and Melinda Szepesi
The impact yoga has on your life is undeniable. It can cause so many positive changes to occur in your journey to self discovery, expanding awareness & consciousness. Sometimes on that journey your family and friends may wonder what exactly you’ve dedicated yourself to and can think it’s all a bit weird.
Friends can judge you and give you a hard time for not going out anymore, not being as fun, or not ‘having a real job’; family can wonder why on earth you’ve changed so much or why you’re ‘throwing away’ years of education for a traditional job to pursue something out of the ordinary.
Have you experienced anything like this? Once yoga becomes a big non-negotiable part of your life, you can immerse yourself in it to find out who you really are and ask bigger picture questions like what is your dharma or purpose?
We think this is why so many become yoga teachers, because the practice has changed their lives for the better and they want to share it with everyone. How does becoming a teacher affect your personal life though? We share our stories and experiences here so have a listen!
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